Reinhold Kurre is honored with the august bruns prize


Reinhold Kurre is honored with the august bruns prize

Reinhold Kurre was honored for special commitment to apprenticeship training.

Reinhold Kurre ( middle) was honored for his special commitment to apprenticeships. District Master of the Cloppenburg Chamber of Crafts Günther Tönjes (right) and Chief Executive Dr. Michael Hoffschroer presented the award. (Photo: Kreishandwerkerschaft Cloppenburg, Julian Sehrand)
We are very pleased to be able to present Reinhold with the August Bruns Award for his many years of commitment to our honorary office. In his honorary activities in the metal guild, he has always shown great commitment to attracting young talent and has thus made an important contribution to recruiting skilled workers in our region,” said Günther Tönjes, master craftsman of the district, and Dr. Michael Hoffschroer, general manager, at the award ceremony.
Once a year, the Cloppenburg District Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses presents the August Bruns Award to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to skilled crafts training in the district.

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